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An Important Covid-19 Message

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Dear Member/player/supporter,

I am sure you are all aware that senior cricket has resumed at the Rec and after two weekends the home teams have racked up two victories and we have seen some excellent cricket.

Last weekend, an exciting victory for our 1st XI over visiting Burgess Hill was watched by crowd of approximately 100 people, which was great news.

However, in the last few days the club has received comments and photographs from local residents about the apparent flaunting of some of the key Covid 19 guidelines.

This is something the club must take seriously and to be honest the comments aren’t without merit.

Therefore before this Saturday’s home game against Brighton & Hove 1st XI could I please remind all those intending to come to the ground that we are still operating under “Covid 19” guidelines, the implementation of which is the club’s responsibility.

As a local, community minded cricket club it is essential that we play our part in limiting any spread of the disease and although cricket is now permitted we must still adhere to the Governments guidelines.

Therefore, please remember

  1. Upon arrival visit the santisation station and “anti bac” your hands.

  2. Add your name and contact details to the “track and trace“ attendance book.

  3. Follow the two-metre rule… there is plenty of room. Very important.

Also please be aware that

  1. The club cannot provide seating.

  2. The balcony will be closed off and will be for the use of players only (different from last week).

  3. Toilets will be accessible.

  4. The use of the wooden benches and picnic tables will be restricted (bring your own chairs if you can).

  5. The bar will be open but please ensure you return to your seats after being served.

  6. Large groups of people gathering on the steps/base of the steps will be asked to maintain two metres or to disperse.

One of the criticisms from last Saturday was that people attending seemed to think it was “cricket as normal”, which of course it isn’t.

Thanks for reading and if you are planning to come down to watch please try and follow the guidelines.

Thank you, Stephen Hodgson Chairman



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