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Statement on the Return of Cricket

Updated: Oct 8, 2020

The Club are very pleased to confirm that cricket has finally returned to West Chiltington and Thakeham and with lots of cricket in the pipeline for the senior and junior age group teams, perhaps its feeling a little bit more like summer now!

However, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and it is important for your safety and the safety of others that you remember this is not “cricket as normal” and you take every precaution necessary and follow our guidelines to the letter.

There has been much hard work behind the scenes in all areas of the club to make sure we are not only compliant with ECB and Government guidelines but in some areas have gone beyond the minimum requirements.

Before visiting either of our grounds everyone is asked to familiarise with the following guidelines and ensure they are adhered to.

  • If you or anyone in your household is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 you should not attend a club event. You should remain at home and self-isolate in accordance with UK Government guidance.

  • Upon entering the ground please visit the Sanitisation station, anti bac your hands and complete the “track and trace” book.

  • The changing facilities will not be accessible at either ground. It is therefore important that you arrive to cricket matches and training in your kit. The only opportunities to change will be outside.

  • Travelling to or from training and matches must be in accordance with UK government guidelines.

  • Match teas will not be provided for players or match officials. You must bring your own refreshments.

  • The kitchen will remain closed.

  • First aid equipment is available together with appropriate levels of PPE.

  • Water will be provided but players and officials must use their own water bottles.

  • Playing matches - pre, during and post playing conditions and guidelines have been set-out by the ECB and can be viewed at You MUST make sure you are 100% familiar with these guidelines.

  • Parents and spectators are reminded that they must remain 2 metres socially distanced There is plenty of room.

  • Please bring your own seating and do not share with anyone outside of your household.

  • Please do not congregate in the clubhouse/balcony/steps or the immediate surrounds.

  • The clubhouse will only be available for use of the toilets and ordering a drink at the bar (when open).

  • There are new Clubhouse rules for use of the bar. Please take note of these before you enter and follow them. Only one person at the bar at any one time please.

  • In the event of rain, participants should return to their own vehicle to maintain social distancing.

  • Application of covers in the event of wet weather should be done whilst maintaining social distancing.

Now you have read the above, please familiarise yourself with the ECB Guidelines for the Return of Recreational Cricket.

Thank you for reading and your cooperation in advance. Stay safe and good luck on the field!



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