100 CLUB
To enter the 100 Club costs just £2 per month or £24 per year.
There will be 12 monthly draws with prizes of 1st £50, 2nd £20 and 3rd £10.
Buying a share will give you entry into a monthly draw to be held at The Club House during the committee meeting at the start of each month.
To enter, please contact Jo Alcott. Jo will be around on Friday night training if you want to make sure you get your lucky number and be in with a chance of winning. Alternatively contact her at WCTCC.social@gmail.com
An entry form can be downloaded here 100 Club Entry Form.
You can pay for your share(s) by filling the form and sending it by post to Jo Alcott (details on the form) or by paying in to the club’s account at Lloyds, Sort Code 30-99-93, Account No 02957098, using Reference 100/YOUR SURNAME.
To save you trouble in the future why not set up a Standing Order using the above details.
Winners will be notified by post or e-mail. A list of the prize winners will also be posted on the notice board in the club and on the club website. All proceeds to go to WCTCC. The 100 club lottery is registered with Horsham District Council.
Good Luck and many thanks for supporting your Cricket Club