Please note, our Junior coaching sessions are being staggered until we are allowed to safely resume our usual Friday night sessions (as shown on the wctcc/ page) we are changing to an amended schedule for training as follows:
Temporary training time info up to Friday May the 21st
U5-8s Fridays 6-7pm
U9s Fridays 6-7pm
U10s Wednesdays 5:30-7pm
U11s Saturdays 10-11:30am
U12s Wednesdays 7-8:30pm
U13s Fridays 7-8:30pm
U14s Fridays 7-8:30pm
U15s Fridays 7-8:30pm
U16s Tuesdays 7-8:30pm
U17-18s Thursday evenings with Adults
This is the schedule up to May 21st. Your junior age group manager will update you later in the month of any further updates.